Mysteries Await

Mysteries Await

The fog is slowly clearing, and in the distance you can barely make out treetops and floating lamps. True serenity is close, but the road to it still remains. May is here and with it come many news from the world of Flesh & Blood, including the Release of the latest set. Let’s get right to it.

June Armory Events:

We begin the Part the Mistveil Armory promo season with a focus on the Moon cycle of various cards, and the first cold foil weapon we’ve seen in a while. Here is what you can expect by performing well at each of our Armories this month.

*Please note that from now on, we will only be receiving 1 playmat per Armory kit. This is a worldwide change, due to the increased number of events as a whole. For this reason, we are revamping the way we will award these playmats.

  • 1st: Cold Foil “Cosmo, Scroll of Ancestral Tapestry”
  • 2nd-7th: Choice of “Emissary of Moon”, or “First Tenet of Chi: Moon”, or “Second Tenet of Chi: Moon”.
  • Each player can earn points each month by completing certain “quests”. Each of these will award that player with an amount of points depending on the quest itself. At the end of the month, the player with the most points will be awarded that month’s playmat. For June, we have the incredible art for “Enigma, Ledger of Ancestry”. 

Questing in Mysteria:

As described above, each month, a playmat will be awarded to the player with the most points gained from the below quests. This list will be updated every month, and can also be found (and tracked) in our discord server. We want to award different metrics than pure performance based stats, so that everyone can win these regardless of skill level.

  • Join the Fray: Attend an Armory Event [1]
  • A Rare Occurrence: Attend a non-Armory Event [2]
  • Bring-A-Friend: Bring a new player to a Flesh & Blood Event [2]
  • “My Money’s on the little guy”: Participate in an event with a hero with less than 200 LL points (CC) or less than 100 LL points (Blitz). [1]
  • Last Ditch Effort: Win a game during an event where you have no cards in deck. [1]
  • Calculated: Win a game during an event while at exactly 1 Life. [1]
  • Lending Hand: Lend a deck to a player for an event. [1]
  • A New Challenger: Play at your first event. [3]
  • More quests will be added in later months. Whenever you complete a quest, inform the TO so you can be awarded the correct amount of points. You can keep track of your points and the current standings in our discord.
  • Points reset every month.
  • In the case of a tie, the player who joined the most events in the month wins the tie. 
    • In the case of a tie still, the player with the most points earned by bringing new players to events wins the tie.
    • In a case of a tie still, the players must play a CC game against each other. The winner wins the tie. 

Part the Mistveil:

This latest set to come out for the game, takes us on a location yet to be visited; Mysteria. The land we’ve known heroes such as Katsu, Ira, Benji and Uzuri to hail from, brings with it new strategies, heroes and mechanics.

We kick off the month with the Release (Play Day) Draft event on the 1st of the month, with sweet weapon promos for all three heroes. These will be awarded to top place in each pod, with 2 others randomly distributed to the rest of the players. On that day, we will also have boosters, boxes, cases and blitz decks up for sale, not to mention…

Hot Singles in your Area:

We are happy to announce that, beginning with Part the Mistveil, and other sets moving forward, we will be carrying singles from the latest set right at the store premises. You can browse our offerings on our cardmarket account, and anything that you need you can come to the store to pick up, circumventing cardmarket fees and shipping, as well as being available right then and there! 

We hope this initiative is embraced by you, the community, allowing us to further expand upon our offerings, such as cards from older sets, buylist offerings and more. For now we hope to be able to offer to all of you the cards you need as quickly and conveniently as possible and if you find this as helpful as we hope it can be, we’ll see how we can better improve our services.

Growing Flesh & Blood in Cyprus:

Our greatest challenge and also our most ambitious goal, for any of the games we offer, is to see them grow and flourish. Flesh & Blood has been steadily growing and expanding, but as of late we’ve been seeing that more could be done to enhance the game’s presence in Cyprus. After talking with you, the community, and thinking about how we can better serve you and new members to our hobby, we are happy to announce some of the newest programs aiming at player growth:

  1. Bring-A-Friend:
    1. This program will reward players who bring new members to our community, as well as friends they bring with them. 
    2. Any player who brings a friend, who is new to the game, to an event, will enter a giveaway for a Flesh & Blood playmat. One entry for you and one for the new player you’ve brought. One playmat drawing will take place every month.
    3. Points for our regular monthly playmat are awarded both to new players and players who bring them in.
  2. Welcome Pack:
    1. A player joining a Flesh & Blood event for the first time will receive the following:
      1. Free entry to their next constructed event
      2. Rainbow foil promo pack (5 cards)
      3. 1 Random Cold Foil promo card
  3. Training Day:
    1. Every Monday is Trading Card Game Training Day. The best way to learn how to play any of the card games offered by the store. Message us in advance to book a training session, or simply swing by during working hours on Mondays to receive a free tutorial about any of the following games:
      1. Magic: the Gathering
      2. Yu-Gi-Oh!
      3. Pokemon TCG
      4. Flesh & Blood
      5. One Piece
      6. Dragon Ball Super Card Game

Cyprus National Championship 2024:

Cyprus Nationals are now the next big event on the horizon, and with Part the Mistveil being such an integral part of the tournament, this is the perfect time to start practicing and preparing for this monumental occasion. You can find all the details about this years’ Nationals here, and secure one of the limited seats here.

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