2024 is here and Flesh & Blood is starting the year strong with some great announcements. And it’ll have to keep the hits coming if they are to follow up the incredible past year they’ve had.
January Armory Events:
After taking a small detour with the Christmas promos of December, we’re back to completing the hero weapon promos from Bright Lights.

Here’s how you can claim any of this month’s rewards:
- 1st place at each Armory receives a Cold Foil “Banksy”
- 2nd-7th place receive their choice of pitch value of an Extended Art Rainbow Foil “Gas Up”
- The player who has exemplified the most community spirit and support during the month receives a “Circuit Breaker” playmat
- The recipient of the most XP during the month receives the “Bright Lights” playmat

We’re hosting our first Living Legend event on the last Armory of the month, between the Pre-Release and Release event for Heavy Hitters as we want to keep things interesting during this transition period from the Bright Lights format into Heavy Hitters. Make sure you’re up to date with what the legality of cards is for this format here.
Heavy Hitters Pre-Release and More:
Heavy Hitters has been drip feeding us a bit of info regarding all the various participants of the Deathmatch, so far revealing 5 of the 6 heroes:

There are a bunch more spoilers that have been showcased with the reveal of each of these heroes, and all can be found on the handy dandy spoiler page on FaBrary. Keep in mind that the Expansion Slot returns for this set so even if your favorite class isn’t featured in it, you can still get some treasure from opening packs.
Important dates to keep in mind for more reveals:
- Preview Season: January 17th
- World Premiere: January 19th
- Calling Queenstown (Heavy Hitters limited): January 20th
- Pre-Release Event: January 27th
- Set Release: February 2nd
- Play Day Event: February 3rd
We will be hosting our Pre-Release event on Saturday 27th of January. You can reserve your ticket here. We will have more information regarding prize support for this event at a later date.
Road to Nationals 2024:

For the first time ever, Cyprus is receiving its first Road to Nationals event!!! We had our first National Championship last year, but LSS has noticed the significant growth of our community and has decided we should receive more premier event support. So, mark your calendars for Saturday, March 2nd, pre-book your tickets here and click here to pre-register for the event (coming soon). Make sure you do this as soon as possible because there is a limited number of seats available. The format will be Classic Constructed (decklists will be required and the event will be judged at a competitive level). Prize support for this event will be pretty crazy:
- The top 4 players of the event receive free entrance to our National Championship event happening later in the year.
- 1st place receives a Sealed Black Envelope with a Common-Majestic Gold Foil.
- 1st and 2nd place each get a playmat exclusive for this event
- Top 8 players each receive a random Rainbow Foil hero card. We will have more information about what the heroes and playmat will be at a later date.
- Huge amount of booster packs being awarded to all players!
In other news:
The Organized Play schedule for early 2024 has been revealed here. We are planning a group trip to Pro Tour Amsterdam happening in July, so make sure you let us know if you’d like to join us. The overall cash payout for premier events has increased to $1.5million for this year, which is a great sign for the health of the game. As such, more Battle Hardened and Calling events have been planned for this year. Consequently more Living Legend will be earned by all the various heroes, and with the weekly checks, make sure you’re up to date with what heroes are legal in each format and to keep an eye out for what heroes are safer to invest in.