Hobby Mondays & Weekly Painting Pledge

Hobby Mondays & Weekly Painting Pledge

It’s time to put brush to model and reduce your pile of shame, even if that is only by an infinitesimally small percentage! 

Every Monday, Isengard Fantasy Shop will reward hobbyists and players, simply for having engaged with their hobby. The rules are simple, fun and more importantly will help you paint more minis!

Additionally, each Monday from hence forth will be our weekly hobby day here at the store. Feel free to drop by to paint some minis, beg the gatekeeper to share some of his infinite painting knowledge with you or to learn how to paint and pick up your first mini, completely free of charge. Simply contact us to let us know you will be dropping by, and we will give you all the specific details.

How to Participate in the weekly Painting Pledge:

  1. Find each week’s painting pledge post on our Facebook or Instagram. The posts go live every Monday, at 15:00am.
  2. Like the post and comment with what you pledge to paint/assemble/convert/etc during the week. Here are some examples of what you can post:
    1. I Pledge to paint a 5-man squad of Assault Marines
    2. I Pledge to prime 20 Ork Boyz
    3. I Pledge to put the basecoats on my Plague Furnace
    4. I Pledge to assemble my Vampires Blood Bowl team
    5. Etc
  3. In the comment include a picture of the current state of the model(s) your pledge refers to. 
  4. Before the next week’s Painting Pledge post goes live, reply to your original pledge comment from the previous week, with one or more pictures of your completed pledge.
  5. Every week, one random hobbyist who has completed their original pledge is entered into a giveaway for €10 of store credit to use for any hobby or Games Workshop products.


  1. You must submit your pledge in the format as listed above, “I Pledge to….”, along with a picture of the model(s) you will be painting during the week. 
  2. You must submit your original pledge comment by Wednesday 10:00am each week as described above.
  3. You must reply to your original comment with your completed pledge by 10:00am on the following week’s Monday.
  4. Winners are announced/featured on next week’s Painting Pledge Post.
  5. If any of the above rules are not followed precisely you will not be eligible for the giveaway. 
  6. The ammount of progress being made must be significant. You cannot for example pledge to paint a single rivet on a weapon and have that be an eligible entry. Be reasonable both with your expectation for what you can complete, but also be fair to the rest of the participants. 
  7. The store reserves the right to disqualify a player from a specific week’s entry if any of the above rules are not followed precisely.

Happy hobbying everyone! We can’t wait to see your progress, and make sure you swing by the store for any of your must-have hobby supplies. Every Monday is hobby day!

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