The next Flesh & Blood set has officialy been announced at the World Championship last month, and after taking some time to digest all of the info, here’s all we know for this Heavy Hitting set!
Key Dates:
- Preview Season: starts January 17th
- World Premier: January 19th at the Calling Queenstown
- Pre-Release: 27th of January (register for the event here)
- Set Release: February 2nd
- Play Day Event: February 3rd (details will follow)
Set Details:
- 255 card set
- 1 Fabled
- 5 Legendary
- 40 Majestic
- 67 Rare
- 128 Common
- 15 Token
- 10 Marvel
- 6 Heroes
- 2 Warrior (Kassai of the Golden Sand has been revealed)
- 2 Brute
- 2 Guardian
- Expansion Slot returns and functions the same way as in Bright Lights

Mechanic Highlights:
- Wager:
- This keyword denotes an effect that will benefit you if you hit an opponent with the affected attack. If the attack doesn’t hit, the opponent receives this benefit.
- Clash:
- When you clash with an opponent, you both reveal the top card of your decks. The player that reveals an attack action card with the highest attack value wins the Clash and recevies whatever the benefit is, as detailed on the card that triggered it.
- Dual Class cards return for this set as you can see from the above revealed cards.
- Ultimate Pit Fight Draft
- There is an attempt from LSS to create a draftable environment that also supports the UPF format, as evident from the equipment cycle below, found in the set during regular drafts.

Other than the Pre-Release event we always host whenever a new set drops, we now have official support for Release events, called Play Day events. In these events, we’ll have unique promos to hand out. Stay tuned for more details soon.
Additionally, LSS is hosting a global ‘event’ of sorts, where we are all invited to enter the Arena to make our mark. Throughout the Heavy Hitters organised play season, a special “Deathmatch Arena” Leaderboard will be maintained for the six heroes released with the set. Points will be based on event wins at eligible Heavy Hitters limited format events, including:
- Road to Nationals
- Pro Quest
- Battle Hardened
- Professional Tournament Invitationals
- Calling
The hero on top of the leaderboard at the conclusion of Pro Quest Season 5, will be declared the Champion of Deathmatch Arena, and each player who contributed into that hero winning points for the leaderboard will be shipped a unique “Command and Conquer” card, immortalizing their victory in the Arena.
As always, FaBrary is doing an incredible job of tracking all spoilers for the set, so make sure to stay updated through there, but just so we can drop some images for you right now, here are some of the latest shinies we can expect to find in Heavy Hitters!!!