Dusk Till Dawn will soon be upon us, which means it’s time for a PreRelease event! This may be a supplementary set (non-draftable) but in the world of Rathe everything is possible.
During this competitive season, instead of drafting Outsiders for 3 more months, LSS has decided to spice things up and bring back the original Monarch set in the forefront of the limited environment. The aforementioned set didn’t get much chance to shine when it originally came out, due to the pandemic restrictions at the time, especially for drafting/sealed purposes. Now it’s coming back, not only for the pre-release weekend, but also for the competitive circuit taking place until the next set is released, including the World Championship.
Dusk Till Dawn PreRelease:
Format: Monarch Draft
Date: 08/07/2023
Time: 11:30am
Entry Fee: €30
Tickets: Coming Soon
Prize Support:
- Winner of each draft pod receives one cold foil young “Prism, Advent of Thrones” or cold foil young “Vynnset” hero card of their choice.
- All participants receive a random-pitch extended art rainbow foil “Herald of Ravages”
- One random participant will win a playmat of their choice from the store’s selection
- Increased booster pack prize support for all participants from the latest set, Dusk Till Dawn.

Remembering Monarch:
We may not have had many chances to play Monarch limited, but we aim to remedy that this season. After all, this will be the set we’ll be drafting during our National Championship). For those that may not be too familiar with this set, here are some quick tidbits that can help you dive into the format.
First of all, here are all the cards from this set. There are 4 available heroes; Prism (Light Illusionist), Boltyn (Light Warrior), Chane (Shadow Runeblade), Levia (Shadow Brute). This means that Light heroes get to share Light talented cards, and similarly Shadow heroes can share Shadow talented cards. Generics aside though, that’s where the crossover ends, as each heroe functions very differently than the others, even within their own talent.
Prism has access to Iris of Reality as her weapon in the limited format, which may not be the easiest thing to use, but your above-rate Heralds will surely be putting your opponents in a tight squeeze.

Boltyn and his axes wants to go wide with multiple attacks, making blocks for the opponent suboptimal, as each time the opponent blocks his attacks with their own attack actions, he gains more attack for them, assuming he has fulfilled his soul requirements.

Chane has Galaxxi Black as his weapon of choice, rewarding him by doing what he does best, which is to banish and play multiple cards in the same turn, overwhelming the opponent. You need to be careful though not to run out of gas before the opponent runs out of life.

Levia has quite the beefy weapon with Ravenous Meataxe, which helps her fuel her graveyard for some above-rate attacks that require banishing cards from it. Just like Chane though, balancing your graveyard and blood debt damage is essential to a winning strategy.